Our Clothing Store
The CCK clothing store operates in a spacious, dedicated room just steps away from the dining area and shares the same Wednesday 5:00 - 6:30 PM hours of operation. We offer a wide variety of neatly organized and displayed seasonal clothing, household items and toiletries. Guests shop in small groups, and everyone gets an opportunity to shop each week.
Gently used clothing and household goods are donated from the community, sorted by CCK volunteers, and then are available at no cost to our guests. Donated toiletries must be new and unopened. Please click here for our donation guidelines.
In addition to clothes and household shopping, the CCK clothing store organizes various annual programs, such as backpack and winter coat distribution and the CCK holiday party for all guests. Brand new back-to-school backpacks and school supplies are distributed in the fall. CCK’s holiday gift program provides brand new gifts to children and all adults. Holiday gifts for children are carefully selected according to wish list suggestions provided by their families.
We welcome new volunteers to help us sort clothes and set up the store for its weekly operation. To sign up online click here, or you can email Jeanette Timmons at or call 609-924-2613.
All of the CCK clothing store’s programs are funded by our generous donors.
Thank you for your support.

Princeton Period Project
Our newest community program, PPP, helps girls and women have access to a reliable supply of feminine hygiene products.

English as a Second Language Courses
We offer free basic ESL (inglés como segundo idioma) literacy classes and beginning English classes.
More than 15 students are enrolled in various ESL classes at all levels.
Several students are in classes to assist in obtaining U.S Citizenship.
Contact for more information.

Our Grocery Store
The CCK grocery store operates next to the clothing store and dining area. Our grocery guests may pick up canned goods, packaged foods, fruits and vegetables, bakery items and take out meals. All goods have been generously donated from local businesses, farms, and nonprofits. For more information please contact